Quem sou eu

Jarinú, São Paulo, Brazil


Orisha: Name given to the divinity in the traditional Yorubá´s worship.     
 System that considers the divinity, as a being of superior strength and attributes.

Orishas´ Xirê (sacred ground): Xirê comes from the verb to play, place where chants to Orishas are made, and reflects the light of all divinities and spiritual entities; Orishas´ vibrational ground and all the primordial lights – essences of OLORUM – GOD.
It is understood that the Orishas´ Xirê (sacred ground) is a spiritual and ethereal dimension formed on the Sacred Field.


Sacred Ground: Ground or Spiritual Field, where Orishas and/or spiritual entities vibrate.   ,a conga (sacred ground) in physical dimension, circular, divided in 16 parts respecting the “Wheel of the Winds” as reference of route division, where the forces of nature circulate within each element.
The SLT´s sacred ground is in accordance with traditional African culture of Candomblé

Cardinal Points: North (N), South (S), East (E) and West (W); North (N), South (S), East (E) and West (W);
Side Points: Northeast (NE), Southeast (SE), Northwest (NW), Southwest (SW);
Intermediate Points: North-Northeast (NNE), North-Northwest (NNW), South-Southeast (SSE), South-Southwest (SSW), East-Northeast (ENE), East-Southeast (ESE), West-Southwest (WSW) e West-Northwest (WNW).


Quadrant and Element of Nature: The Sacred Ground, physical space, where through rite, reflects the Orishas and spiritual entities, is divided in four quadrants, each one vibrates a universal element, FIRE, EARTH, WATER and AIR. Within each quadrant vibrate on the primary concept of the origin of life, four Orishas

Mediumship Consciousness : The meeting of Structural, Philosophical and Ritualistic values added to the field of studies below provides us the required scenario for the practice of an ethical and responsible Umbanda, based on the pursuit of knowledge and Synthesis of Light, which will allow us to evolve through incarnations until OLORUM – GOD. Thus, our passage through the world of densities and crystallization, “RELATIVE´S LIGHT World”, (world of incarnates and relative proofs), it is possible we walk at every opportunity to meet our essence, in the “ABSOLUTE and PRIMORDIAL LIGHT” of Creator; this process we call “Consciousness in Evolution”.

Studies focus on: 
  • Guaracy´s Cosmology conducted by the Templo Guaracy of Brazil in the Carlos Buby´s works
  • Daily and scientific discoveries of Quantum Physics by Amit Goswami (Physics of the soul and more books) and Fritjof Capra (The Turning Point, The Tao of Physics) among others as Metaphysics; 
  • The contributions of Newtonian physics, by Isaac Newton; 
  •  The vast field of study of the humanity science of General Psychology, basically works of Sigmund Freud and Carl Gustav Jung, as well as, the Transpersonal Psychology and others more; 
  • The field of psychiatry in the studies of Dr. Sérgio Felipe (Psychiatry Doctor and member of Kardecist school); 
  • Mediumship´s phenomenology contained in the vast spiritual decoding work of the Medium Francisco Cândido Xavier, as the reference work – about “Mechanisms of Mediumship”, brought by the spirit of André Luiz, and that add up to no less wide work of our dear brother Divaldo Pereira Franco, the biggest representative of Kardecist Spirit Doctrine nowadays; 
  • The practice study of incorporation´s mediumship and psycophonic in the Sacred Umbanda´s rites, as well as, the practices and experiences that continue to be held at Seara de Luz; 
  • Indian culture, especially the philosophy of Tupinambás and the great Sioux nation, red fur, indian and american; 
  • African tradition of candomblé and of Zélio de Moraes, of Umbanda, the only Brazilian religion in the world; 
  • Thus, we build a wide range of improvement that we can delve deeper into concepts of a strong and irrefutably religion that will gain space for constitutional rights and duties of our country and UN, will be respected in theequal rights and duties.