Quem sou eu

Jarinú, São Paulo, Brazil


We are a fragment of the Universal Light and we are progressing with our psychicapparatus from a “relative light” of our consciences, which are dense and stuck in moral land values, where is composed by a set of proofs and experiences to evolutionary improvement of the soul. The set of experiences is that in essence leads to the synthesis of Primordial and Absolute Light – GOD.

We must fight against the evil´s light and create less demons as justifiable forces for our social failure, so, we must develop an upright behavior, fueled by all the noble values that reveal love´s lessons to neighbor and the life and nature preservation in all its forms. The best approach to our adjustment is the policing and surveillance of the psicosphere of the psychic apparatus, which is related with the vibrational dimensions and low thinking’s bands, generating pscicomatizations and suffering of all kinds.

Note that the better world begins by teaching children to have the more noble principles of moral and spiritual values; teaching them by the example of who came on Earth and developed enlightened values; teaching them to be less materialistic and less attached to their belongings; invite them to be more supportive to other disadvantaged children, your neighbor, show how they should preserve the fauna and flora with the good education of their behaviors, and with certainty that before sleep they do their spontaneously prayer to GOD.

Believe rather that we are as an arrow showing the direction chosen as an arc of life, and demonstrate the UN – United Nations´ conception and, be, ethical with our neighbor, respect the limits of each and their rights to come and go, trying to contribute only with support and with what aggregates and not with what destroys.